Compatible LCD and Touch Screen Replacement (OEM) $70.00

Compatible Battery Replacement $50.00

Aftermarket / Copy LCD and Touch Screen Replacement $50.00

iPhone 5C

Having released in Sept’13, iPhone 5C (A1456/A1507/A1516/A1529/A1532) came in a variety of colours including pink, yellow, green and so on. However, the polycarbonate casing of the iPhone 5C is not as durable as other iPhone models. Xpert Mobile offers all repair works from screen replacement, battery replacement, charging port replacement, Home Button replacement and all major repairs so that you can make the most out of it. In most of the cases, your iPhone is repaired while you wait and even before you finish reading a magazine. That is why we stock a variety of parts which enables us to fix your iPhone as quickly as possible so that we can avoid to keep you waiting for long. Call your nearest Xpert Mobile store to get an estimate, should your iPhone needs to be repaired.

Screen Repair

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It is of utmost importance to get a reliable repair service when it comes to an expensive phone such as an Apple iPhone. iPhone 5C holds a LED backlit IPS LCD capable of producing 16M colours. It is a small yet powerful iPhone holding a 4.0 inches Retina display. We, at Xpert Mobile understand the importance of phone in today’s world and we are also aware of the fact that cases and glass protectors cannot always protect your iPhone’s screen from cracking if you accidently dropped it. Our technicians repair your iPhone’s broken screen to an extent that you would not feel as if you have a repaired iPhone in your hand. Xpert Mobile bring high quality gears and resources into play to replace the screen on our iPhone.

Water Damage

Unlike iPhone 7, iPhone 5 is more prone to damages due to water. Water damage can cause various issues from overheating batteries to malfunctioning logic board. Technicians at Xpert Mobile are highly capable of dealing with the issue of water damaged iPhones. Our technicians will open the iPhone, dry out the components and replace any damaged parts so that you will have a safe and reliable iPhone as before. Don’t hesitate to call your nearby Xpert Mobile store to get an estimate, should you find your iPhone water damaged..

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